Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guerrilla gardening media

While cruising the internets and thinking about guerrilla gardening, I found this radio show from Los Angeles:

I find the program's style a bit annoying, but that's probably because I'm OCD about radio. But it's quite interesting to listen to what other groups are doing and why they do it, and relate to the universal cause of improving public space. At about 5 minutes in, a pseudonym'ed guerrilla gardener says:

"It's more of a responsibility of the citizens to take some responsibility in your community, and try to figure out how you can make your community better, and not just wait for the city to do it."

Exactly! Apparently the city was thankful enough to have a city council member show up with ice cream (complete with trash bags and wet naps) to a recent dig. That's pretty awesome. Take a listen!

In other guerrilla garden media news, I've received the sad word from Renee at the Statesman that her guerrilla gardening article is indefinitely on hold, for what sounds like various reasons. But there is a Garden Posse documentary in the works, so stay tuned in to the media landscape.


Emily said...

Ha! I love Mr. Stamen's obvious disdain for the people who refuse to water his plum trees.

But also... Maybe someday we should aim for not only gardening an area, but installing a bench as well? I have always thought it was so ridiculous how few and far between public benches are--especially ones not affiliated with bus stops. Does anyone have carpentry skills? Is a bench AND a garden too ambitious?

Lindsay said...

Yeah, I thought that part was hilarious. He called them assholes. That guy was such a curmudgeonly veteran guerrilla gardener. His "I'm under house arrest" comment really threw me off.

I think a bench would be nice, if someone had the skills to build it. I myself have the skills to throw a light stump on the ground.